How long does it take to become a doula?
Doula Training Organizations:
CAPPA (Childbirth and Postpartum Professional Association)
DONA (DONA International)
toLabor (The Organization of Labor Assistants for Birth Options and Resources; formerly
Childbirth International
The Matrona
Birth Arts International
Traditional Doula and Midwifery Arts (TDMA)
Bebo Mia
Training Doulas
Hypno Birthing
Hypno Babies
Birthing Way
Sista Midwife
SMC Full Circle Doula Training
Radical Doula
Grand Challenge
Birth Boot Camp
Birth Institute
Additional Doula Information:
Doula World
Cochrane Review on the Effectiveness of Trained, Continuous Labor Support
Evidence Based Birth
Childbirth Education Organizations:
ICEA (International Childbirth Education Association)
Bradley/AAHCC (Bradley Method/American Academy of Husband Coached Childbirth)
Birthing from Within
Sacred Pregnancy
Childbirth International
Birth Arts International
Lamaze International
Your Birth Experience
Evidence Based Birth
Birth Info:
Mother's Advocate (free, online videos from InJoy Education)
Active Birth Centre (Great articles & free newsletter)
SC Licensed Midwives
SC Certified Nurse-Midwives
APPAH (Association for Pre-and Peri-natal Psychology and Health)
Waterbirth International (All about water birth!)
Coalition for Improving Maternity Services (Promoting Evidence-Based Childbirth Practices)
Coalition for Breech Birth
Childbirth Connection
Cesarean Birth, TOLAC, & VBAC:
ICAN (International Cesarean Awareness Network)
VBAC (about Vaginal Birth After Cesarean and informed decision making)
The Unnecesarean (Resources and Blog)
VBAC Facts
Breastfeeding Info:
La Leche League of Summerville, SC
La Leche League of Charleston/West Ashley, SC
La Leche League of Charleston/Mt. Pleasant, SC
La Leche League International
ILCA (International Lactation Consultant Association)
South Carolina Breastfeeding Coalition
Breastfeeding Online (Great information and handouts)
Dr. Jack Newman (A wealth of breastfeeding information including demonstration videos)
KellyMom (Awesome breastfeeding resource!)
Postpartum Support:
Sacred Window (Keys for a Healthy Postpartum)
Postpartum Support International (Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorder Information &
Postpartum Support Charleston (local organization for Postpartum Depression Awareness &
Parenting Info:
Ask Dr. Sears (Family of pediatricians and authors of The Baby Book, The Vaccine Book &
Mothering Magazine (The magazine of natural family living)
The Vaccine Book (Alternative schedule for childhood vaccinations)
Attachment Parenting International (Raising Secure, Joyful, and Empathic Children)
Berkeley Parents Network (Archived discussion list of natural parenting)
Doula Training Organizations:
CAPPA (Childbirth and Postpartum Professional Association)
DONA (DONA International)
toLabor (The Organization of Labor Assistants for Birth Options and Resources; formerly
Childbirth International
The Matrona
Birth Arts International
Traditional Doula and Midwifery Arts (TDMA)
Bebo Mia
Training Doulas
Hypno Birthing
Hypno Babies
Birthing Way
Sista Midwife
SMC Full Circle Doula Training
Radical Doula
Grand Challenge
Birth Boot Camp
Birth Institute
Additional Doula Information:
Doula World
Cochrane Review on the Effectiveness of Trained, Continuous Labor Support
Evidence Based Birth
Childbirth Education Organizations:
ICEA (International Childbirth Education Association)
Bradley/AAHCC (Bradley Method/American Academy of Husband Coached Childbirth)
Birthing from Within
Sacred Pregnancy
Childbirth International
Birth Arts International
Lamaze International
Your Birth Experience
Evidence Based Birth
Birth Info:
Mother's Advocate (free, online videos from InJoy Education)
Active Birth Centre (Great articles & free newsletter)
SC Licensed Midwives
SC Certified Nurse-Midwives
APPAH (Association for Pre-and Peri-natal Psychology and Health)
Waterbirth International (All about water birth!)
Coalition for Improving Maternity Services (Promoting Evidence-Based Childbirth Practices)
Coalition for Breech Birth
Childbirth Connection
Cesarean Birth, TOLAC, & VBAC:
ICAN (International Cesarean Awareness Network)
VBAC (about Vaginal Birth After Cesarean and informed decision making)
The Unnecesarean (Resources and Blog)
VBAC Facts
Breastfeeding Info:
La Leche League of Summerville, SC
La Leche League of Charleston/West Ashley, SC
La Leche League of Charleston/Mt. Pleasant, SC
La Leche League International
ILCA (International Lactation Consultant Association)
South Carolina Breastfeeding Coalition
Breastfeeding Online (Great information and handouts)
Dr. Jack Newman (A wealth of breastfeeding information including demonstration videos)
KellyMom (Awesome breastfeeding resource!)
Postpartum Support:
Sacred Window (Keys for a Healthy Postpartum)
Postpartum Support International (Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorder Information &
Postpartum Support Charleston (local organization for Postpartum Depression Awareness &
Parenting Info:
Ask Dr. Sears (Family of pediatricians and authors of The Baby Book, The Vaccine Book &
Mothering Magazine (The magazine of natural family living)
The Vaccine Book (Alternative schedule for childhood vaccinations)
Attachment Parenting International (Raising Secure, Joyful, and Empathic Children)
Berkeley Parents Network (Archived discussion list of natural parenting)