Bon Secours-St. Francis Xavier Hospital
Hospital Address: 2095 Henry Tecklenburg Drive, Charleston (West Ashley) 29414
Main Number: 402-2000
L&D number: 402-1033
L&D location: Enter the Women’s and Children’s doors; turn right. The waiting area for other family members is in front of you. Turn right again and pass through 2 sets of double doors. Turn left and go all the way to the end of the hall to the nurse’s station.
Main Number: 402-2000
L&D number: 402-1033
L&D location: Enter the Women’s and Children’s doors; turn right. The waiting area for other family members is in front of you. Turn right again and pass through 2 sets of double doors. Turn left and go all the way to the end of the hall to the nurse’s station.
Charleston Birth Place
NEW Birth Center Address: 1300 Hospital Dr. Suite 270, Mount Pleasant, SC 29464
Phone: 843-818-1123
The Lowcountry's only independent birth center.
Phone: 843-818-1123
The Lowcountry's only independent birth center.
East Cooper Regional Medical Center
Hospital Address: 2000 Hospital Drive, Mount Pleasant 29464
Main Phone Number: 881-0100
Labor and Delivery Location: Take elevator up to the third floor and turn left. There will be a double door and intercom at the entrance to L & D.
Main Phone Number: 881-0100
Labor and Delivery Location: Take elevator up to the third floor and turn left. There will be a double door and intercom at the entrance to L & D.
Home Birth
Giving birth in your home with a South Carolina Licensed Midwife is also a safe and wonderful option. Homebirth midwives are regulated by the SC Department of Health and Environmental Control (SC DHEC). The South Carolina Midwifery Advisory Council meets semiannually to ensure that the highest quality of prenatal, birth and postpartum care are being provided.
Medical University of South Carolina
Hospital Address: 169 Ashley Avenue, Charleston 29403
Main Phone Number: 792-2300
Labor and Delivery Location: Enter main entrance from horseshoe. The main visitor elevators are to the right of the security desk as you enter. Take elevators to the 5th floor. Exit left off elevators and continue until hallway ends. Turn right, then you will have to buzz the nurses’ station to be permitted through the double doors. Follow to end of hallway and turn left onto labor and delivery wing. Nurses’ station is down near the end on left.
Main Phone Number: 792-2300
Labor and Delivery Location: Enter main entrance from horseshoe. The main visitor elevators are to the right of the security desk as you enter. Take elevators to the 5th floor. Exit left off elevators and continue until hallway ends. Turn right, then you will have to buzz the nurses’ station to be permitted through the double doors. Follow to end of hallway and turn left onto labor and delivery wing. Nurses’ station is down near the end on left.
Mount Pleasant Hospital
Hospital Address: 3500 North Highway 17, Mount Pleasant, SC 29466
Main Phone Number: (843) 606-7000
Labor and Delivery Location: Women's Services has a separate first-floor entrance just to the right of the Main Entrance, and the unit is located on the second floor.
Main Phone Number: (843) 606-7000
Labor and Delivery Location: Women's Services has a separate first-floor entrance just to the right of the Main Entrance, and the unit is located on the second floor.
Summerville Medical Center
Hospital Address: 295 Midland Parkway, Summerville 29485
Main Phone Number: 832-5000
Labor and Delivery Phone Number: 832-5270
Labor and Delivery Location: from Inpatient Entrance, pass info desk and take elevators to second floor. Entering though Emergency (off-hours), go forward down hall, take first right, elevators will be a bit down the hall on your left. Labor and Delivery is on the second floor.
Main Phone Number: 832-5000
Labor and Delivery Phone Number: 832-5270
Labor and Delivery Location: from Inpatient Entrance, pass info desk and take elevators to second floor. Entering though Emergency (off-hours), go forward down hall, take first right, elevators will be a bit down the hall on your left. Labor and Delivery is on the second floor.
Trident Medical Center
*This hospital no longer provides labor and delivery services.
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