East Cooper Regional Medical Center
Hospital Address: 2000 Hospital Drive, Mount Pleasant 29464
Hospital website: http://www.eastcoopermedctr.com
Main Phone Number: 843-881-0100
Hospital website: http://www.eastcoopermedctr.com
Main Phone Number: 843-881-0100
Directions from I-26:
Exit onto 526 East. Exit to Highway 17 South, towards Charleston and Savannah. Turn right onto Bowman road, then right again into the hospital complex and follow Hospital Drive past the old facility and several office buildings. The driveway entrance will be ahead on your left. You may also access the rear of the building via Mathis Ferry Road.
Parking Information:
Parking is free.
Labor and Delivery Location:
Take public elevators up to third floor. L & D entrance is to the left, through a set of double doors.
Visiting hours:
9:00 am-9:00 pm
What are the rooms like?
The rooms are all the same, all Labor-Birth-Recovery rooms. All rooms have good options for dimming the lights. Women are generally moved to a recovery/postpartum room within a few hours after the birth.
Vending machines?
Yes; on the first floor near the back elevators.
Snacks for labor support team?
Yes; the nutrition room is locked so a nurse needs to let you in.
Is a microwave available?
Yes; however the nutrition room is locked.
TV/DVD Available?
A TV and DVD player are in each room.
Showers/Tubs/Jacuzzis in Rooms?
Bathrooms have nice, deep tubs.
Is Waterbirth Available?
Monitoring by Telemetry Available?
Are birth balls provided?
There is a birth ball available. It appears not all staff are aware of its presence.
Microwaving Heating Packs?
theoretically okay.
Are birthing stools available?
Squat bar?
Yes; there are two.
What may moms eat or drink in labor?
This varies depending upon doctor or midwife's orders. Most limit women to clear fluids.
What is the policy about monitoring of low-risk mothers? Intermittent? Continuous?
Upon admittance, all laboring women are placed on an External Fetal Monitor for an initial 15-20 minutes. Often you or your doula will need to speak up when the 15-20 minutes are over. The frequency of monitoring for the rest of labor depends upon individual doctor or midwife's orders.
Is a fetoscope or hand-held doppler available?
A hand-held doptone is available.
Routine Saline Lock/IV?
Placement of a Saline lock (at very minimum) is hospital policy.
Is breastfeeding promoted prior to newborn assessment?
Some nurses are more supportive of this option than others; certainly it can be done if requested. Be sure the staff has a copy of your birth plan.
Can all newborn assessments be performed in room with baby's parents?
Yes, if you request.
Is there any mandatory separation of healthy mother and baby?
Can baby room-in?
Yes, this is encouraged unless there is a medical reason for nursery observation. However it is hospital policy that one person in the room remain awake in order for baby to stay. The nursery staff will check on mother/baby from time to time.
Is there a board-certified lactation consultant on staff?
Does the facility staff Certified Nurse-Midwives?