Summerville Medical Center
Hospital Address: 295 Midland Parkway, Summerville 29485
Hospital website:
Main Phone Number: 832-5000
Labor and Delivery Phone Number: 832-5270
Hospital website:
Main Phone Number: 832-5000
Labor and Delivery Phone Number: 832-5270
Directions from I-26 and Parking Information:
Exit Hwy 78 West, right on Ladson Road, left on Midland Parkway
Parking Information:
Parking is free.
Labor and Delivery Location:
from Inpatient Entrance, pass Info. desk and take elevators to second floor. Entering through Emergency (off-hours), go forward down hall, take first right, elevators will be a bit down the hall on your left. Labor & Delivery is on the second floor.
Visiting hours:
11:00 am-8:30 pm
What are the rooms like?
There are 5 spacious Labor-Delivery-Recovery rooms with carpeting and bathtubs. Approximately 2-3 hours following birth, moms must move to a smaller, more sparsely furnished postpartum room.
Cafeteria Hours:
Weekdays: 6:45-9:30 am, 11:00 am-1:30 pm, & 5:00-7:00 pm.
Weekend schedule is the same, except breakfast begins at 7:45 am.
Vending machines?
Snacks for labor support team?
Yes: fruit juices, crackers, peanut butter, ice, etc.
Is a microwave available?
TV/DVD Available?
Each room has a TV. One DVD player on a cart is available for the entire unit; usually used for educational purposes.
Showers/Tubs/Jacuzzis in Rooms?
4 of the rooms have tubs with showers. 1 has just a shower.
Is Waterbirth Available?
Is monitoring by Telemetry Available?
Are birth balls provided?
Are birthing stools available?
Squat bar?
What may moms eat or drink in labor?
This depends upon the individual provider. Ice chips are standard; occasionally clear fluids are also approved.
What is the policy about monitoring of low-risk mothers?
After the initial 15 minute EFM "strip", intermittent monitoring is the norm. Generally they listen to the baby each hour in early labor and each half-hour in active labor. Continuous fetal monitoring is performed as medically indicated.
Is a fetoscope or hand-held doppler available?
Hand-held doppler is available.
Routine Saline Lock/IV?
A saline lock is required.
What is the policy about microwaving heat packs?
This is fine.
Is breastfeeding promoted prior to newborn assessment?
Yes - if requested by parents. Initiation of breastfeeding is encouraged during the first hour postpartum.
Can all newborn assessments be performed in room with baby's parents?
Yes except for the hearing screen.
Is there any mandatory separation of mother and baby?
Can baby room-in?
Is there a lactation consultant on staff?
Does the facility staff Certified Nurse-Midwives?
Exit Hwy 78 West, right on Ladson Road, left on Midland Parkway
Parking Information:
Parking is free.
Labor and Delivery Location:
from Inpatient Entrance, pass Info. desk and take elevators to second floor. Entering through Emergency (off-hours), go forward down hall, take first right, elevators will be a bit down the hall on your left. Labor & Delivery is on the second floor.
Visiting hours:
11:00 am-8:30 pm
What are the rooms like?
There are 5 spacious Labor-Delivery-Recovery rooms with carpeting and bathtubs. Approximately 2-3 hours following birth, moms must move to a smaller, more sparsely furnished postpartum room.
Cafeteria Hours:
Weekdays: 6:45-9:30 am, 11:00 am-1:30 pm, & 5:00-7:00 pm.
Weekend schedule is the same, except breakfast begins at 7:45 am.
Vending machines?
Snacks for labor support team?
Yes: fruit juices, crackers, peanut butter, ice, etc.
Is a microwave available?
TV/DVD Available?
Each room has a TV. One DVD player on a cart is available for the entire unit; usually used for educational purposes.
Showers/Tubs/Jacuzzis in Rooms?
4 of the rooms have tubs with showers. 1 has just a shower.
Is Waterbirth Available?
Is monitoring by Telemetry Available?
Are birth balls provided?
Are birthing stools available?
Squat bar?
What may moms eat or drink in labor?
This depends upon the individual provider. Ice chips are standard; occasionally clear fluids are also approved.
What is the policy about monitoring of low-risk mothers?
After the initial 15 minute EFM "strip", intermittent monitoring is the norm. Generally they listen to the baby each hour in early labor and each half-hour in active labor. Continuous fetal monitoring is performed as medically indicated.
Is a fetoscope or hand-held doppler available?
Hand-held doppler is available.
Routine Saline Lock/IV?
A saline lock is required.
What is the policy about microwaving heat packs?
This is fine.
Is breastfeeding promoted prior to newborn assessment?
Yes - if requested by parents. Initiation of breastfeeding is encouraged during the first hour postpartum.
Can all newborn assessments be performed in room with baby's parents?
Yes except for the hearing screen.
Is there any mandatory separation of mother and baby?
Can baby room-in?
Is there a lactation consultant on staff?
Does the facility staff Certified Nurse-Midwives?