Mount Pleasant Hospital
Hospital Address: 3500 North Highway 17, Mount Pleasant, SC 29466
Hospital Website:
Main Number: (843) 606-7000
Nursery: (843) 606-7632
Hospital Website:
Main Number: (843) 606-7000
Nursery: (843) 606-7632

Directions from I-26 and Parking Information:
Take I-26 to 526 towards Mount Pleasant. Exit Highway 17 North. The hospital is about 6 miles up, on your left. Parking is free.
Labor and Delivery Location: Women's Services has a separate first-floor entrance just to the right of the Main Entrance, and the unit is located on the second floor.
Visiting hours:
9:00 am-9:00 pm
What are the rooms like?
There are 6 Labor and Delivery rooms, 2 Cesarean Section rooms, 1 "swing" room, and 11 postpartum rooms. Each room is furnished with a rocking chair and fold-out sleeper chair.
Cafeteria Hours:
7:00-9:00 am, 11:00 am-2:00 pm, 4:00-7:00 pm
Vending machines?
Snacks for labor support team?
Juice, crackers, popsicles, tea, and coffee are usually available.
Is a microwave available?
TV/DVD Available?
TVs are in each room.
Showers/Tubs/Jacuzzis in Rooms?
Showers only.
Is Waterbirth Available?
Monitoring by Telemetry Available?
Are birth balls provided?
Are birthing stools available?
Squat bar available?
Mirror available?
What may moms eat or drink in labor?
Each MD has his/her own orders that state whether mom may have clear liquids (water, juices, popsicles, ginger ale, etc), ice chips only, or nothing by mouth.
What is the policy about monitoring of low-risk mothers? Intermittent? Continuous?
Again, each MD has individual orders. Most expect continuous external fetal monitoring, but it's good to ask a nurse what the doctor's routine admission orders state. Usually they have standing orders for a 20-minute initial strip then intermittent monitoring. We suggest speaking with your care provider in advance regarding these concerns.
Is a fetoscope or hand-held doppler available?
There is a Doppler available.
Routine Saline Lock/IV?
A saline lock is usually done but it is not official policy, so it can be negotiated.
What is the policy about microwaving heat packs?
No official policy exists though it is polite to ask your nurse.
Is breastfeeding promoted prior to newborn assessment?
If this is part of your birth plan that you have communicated ahead of time, the staff is quite supportive.
Can all newborn assessments be performed in room with baby's parents?
Yes, if you request.
Is there any mandatory separation of mother and baby?
Not unless medically indicated.
Can baby room-in?
Yes (see above).
Is there a lactation consultant on staff?
Yes. In addition, all staff are trained Breastfeeding Peer Counselors.
Does the facility staff Certified Nurse-Midwives?